WTMC Christmas Beer Tramp: Sat 13th

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    • #15783 Reply

      Just a reminder that this Saturday is the WTMC Christmas Beer Tramp!

      We have a great route planned – specifically designed to include the high altitude of Kelburn and the rough terrain of the botanic gardens!

      We will start at the Garage Project at 3.30pm, then climb up the hill to the Kelburn Village pub for around 4.30. We’ll descend through the wilds of the botanic gardens to be at the Sprig and Fern at around 5.30, and then head into the city to the Fork and Brewer at around 6.30. If we’ve the energy left we’ll finish at Golding’s bar at around 8pm.

      People can join in at any stage, although timings are approximate!

      Ideally put your name on the sign up sheet so we can e-mail you the full details. Signing up doesn’t require a definite commitment and there is no trip fee!

      Our only requirement is that you let us know if you are planning to come along to the Garage project as we are planning to organise a beer tasting with them (for a small fee) and want to let them know numbers.

      Beccy and Gareth

    • #18852 Reply

      Alternatively, email me if you intend to come along but can’t sign up on the sheet. You can just turn up, but we’d like to know how many to expect for the Garage Project.

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