WTMC Committee

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    • #14210 Reply
      Grant Newton


      It’s that time of year again, when we form a new committee to run the club. As we are a volunteer organisation, we need a bit of help from our members to ensure the club runs smoothly and we have plenty of trips into the hills.

      As always a number of committee members are standing down as of 5th April, so we’d like a few new faces to step forward. It’s also a good way to gain skills that are used in your career.

      The committee positions are

      Vice President
      Chief Guide
      Asst Chief Guide
      Transport Officer
      Social Conveynor
      Promotions Officer
      Gear Custodian
      Newsletter Editor
      Journal Editor
      Ruapehu Lodge Maintenance officer
      Membership officer

      We have people keen to stand for about half the positions.

      Are you keen?

      If so contact any of the committee members to find out more!

      Grant Newton
      WTMC President

    • #17752 Reply
      Grant Newton

      An update on committee nominations …. we have nominations for most positions on the club’s committee, but there are 4 positions without a nominee:

      – President
      – Secretary
      – Chief Guide
      – Assistant Chief Guide

      If you’re keen to lend a hand to the club over the coming year, it would be great to have your support in one of the above positions!

      We need to have nominations finalised by 31 March, so please give it your consideration ASAP.

      Outgoing President

    • #17757 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Volunteer required!

      For the coming year we still need a secretary for the club’s committee – if you’re keen to help out, please let me know before the AGM (5th April)


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