WTMC outdoors first aid course: A couple of places have become avaliable

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      A couple of places have become available on the first aid course we are running on the 6th and 7th of June.

      The course it being taught by St John and will cover first aid level 1 and 2, as well as extra ‘outdoor first aid’ scenarios. This will include practice in the bush and tracks around the venue. We’re planning to make it as realistic as possible. The course will be at Camp Wainui and will run from 8am to 5pm on Sat and 8am to 3pm on Sunday.

      We’re offering a great subsidy for this course:

      – We’ll pay for all the teaching for members who commit to leading two club trips over the next 12 months (co-leading and day walks count)
      – For members who don’t want to lead trips we’ll give you a 50% subsidy on the teaching cost, so you pay only $95.

      On top of the teaching cost you only pay $10 for the venue costs and, if you wish to get a lift on the club van it’s an extra $28.

      E-mail me ASAP if you want to grab one of the places. It’s a real bargain, so be quick!

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