WTMC Photo Competition!

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    • #15702 Reply

      Hi Folks,

      Don’t forget that this is on this Wednesday, 2nd April.

      Come along and be wowed by our talented photographers, and there might even be a slightly different supper too.

      See you there,

    • #18814 Reply

      For those of you who missed it, big thanks to Ian Harrison for organising the Photo Comp which took place last night. Thanks to the efforts of Ian and his team of helpers the evening ran like clockwork. Ian organised the evening so well that he managed to picked up quite a few awards for his own work. The other award winning pics were taken by Spencer Clubb and Tony Gazley. Spencer won the People’s Choice award with his picture of Mt Taranaki while Ian’s tree pic was the judges overall favourite. I’m sure we will be seeing these photos in the newsletter and in other places and they will all be heading off to the FMC photo competition. Thanks to Grant Newton for judging the competition again this year and providing lots of great feedback and to everyone who entered pictures in the competition.

    • #18815 Reply

      Thanks for organising the competition. I didn’t get to enter this year but enjoyed the entries, and Grant’s obvious time and effort and professionalism in judging with so much feedback and effort in providing explanations for decisions.

      Would it be possible to consider the possibility of some type of humour category leading into next year’s competition? Maybe as an additional people’s choice category. I know the FMC competition doesn’t have a humour category right now, but I think it should.

    • #18816 Reply

      Mike’s idea of a humour photo section initially sounds good – but perhaps not so good after some reflection. Humour is really just too subjective – what is funny to one person may be offensive to another.

      As an example the Alpine Club has a humour section but specifically prohibits naked bodies – clearly some people would find them amusing others certainly not – probably depending on the context. It is intersting that this section gets very few entries and the ones I have viewed have not been particularly funny to me although I can see how the situation may have been funny to the person at the time the photo was taken.

      Funny situations on tramping trips are generally spontaneous and therefore not often photographed – they can be set-up of course but need to be carefully considered that they will be funny to the majority of people viewing them. It is unlikely there will be many photographers bothered to do this.

      I think that almost any outdoor activity related photo can be slotted into the existing categories. Creating another category specifically for humourous photos is probably unnecessary.

    • #18817 Reply

      Just wanted to say thanks for voting for my Taranaki shot for people’s choice :)

      Also, big thanks to Bivouac for sponsoring three of the prizes for the evening.



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