WTMC Social nights for Dec and Jan – last chance for nibbles and gear

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      Remember, club now starts 30 minutes earlier with doors opening at 7pm and club talks starting at 7:30pm.

      There are just two nights left before the club rooms close for gear only and eventually for tramping holidays.

      2 Dec 2015 – Henry Fisher & Frances Boyson – So you want to climb? Why you should do the Wellington section of the NZ Alpine Club’s (NZAC) Summer Rock course – the mighty benefits! Hear from two members, including one of the course instructors, just why the Alpine Club’s summer rock course is one of the best in town to start your alpine or rock climbing journey. And find out why you would want to go on a WTMC climbing trip.

      9 Dec 2015 – WTMC – Christmas nibbles and socialising – Special snacks will be on hand along with extra time for catching up and last minute Christmas trip plans!

      16 Dec 2015 – Gear only night – no social night (Doors only open 7 to 7:30pm for gear pickup/return)

      From 23 Dec to 6 Jan, club rooms will be closed. Gear rooms will open 13 Jan from 7 to 7:30pm for gear pickup/return ONLY. We’re back for social nights on 20th Jan.

      Stay up to date with what’s coming up by checking the website: https://wtmc.org.nz/upcoming-club-night-entertainment.

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