WTMC Survey Report is Published Online

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      Beccy Day

      WTMC Survey Report is Published Online

      A lot of you will probably be wondering what happened with the WTMC survey that you all filled in a month or two ago. The answer is that the committee have been working hard to look at what you all said and how we can improve the way the club operates. Some great information came out of that survey, so we certainly have a lot to think about. If you are interested to know what we found out you can read our report on the survey results here. The report has a summary at the front if you don’t fancy reading the whole thing!

      The committee recognise that they can’t fix everything at once, so they are now collating their thoughts on the results and deciding which of the report recommendations should be prioritised for action – we’ll let you know what the outcome is!

      Thanks to all of you who took the time to complete the survey. It’s so great to see how many people there are contributing time to the club, and how many of you care so much about what we do and how we do it!

      WTMC Secretary

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