City to Sea and Southern Walkway

City to Sea and Southern Walkway The City to Sea walkway is a fun mix of urban and trail walking with great views of Wellington and even the South Island on a good day. I’d finally gotten around to doing the walk during lockdown and enjoyed it so much that when the call went out … Read more

City to sea day walk

We assembled bright and early on a slightly overcast Saturday morning in late October, by the Cenotaph at the end of Lambton Quay and wandered up to Bowen Street Cemetery for the official start almost managing to lose half the group before we even got to the information board describing the route ahead. After a … Read more

City to Sea Walkway

Slip, slap slop was certainly the order of the day; “are you drinking heaps?” the constant mantra. Not only was it hot, but perhaps unusually for Wellington, it was also humid as 7 of us gathered outside the railway station and gradually zigzagged our way along the 12 kms of the City to Sea Walkway, … Read more