WTMC Ruapehu Lodge and the solitary wilding pine 🌲

Aerial view of the location of thee wilding pine

WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – and the solitary wilding pine  🌲  The wilding pine on the Whakapapa slopes of Mount Ruapehu needed to be removed – so Sarah and her teddy bear set out to do the job Some time ago while passing across the western slopes of Mt Ruapehu around towards the WTMC Lodge Sarah Saurus … Read more

Ruapehu Rumblings – May 2016

We’re getting excited about the 2016 Whakapapa snow season.  The Ruapehu crew have secured a licence renewal with DOC, and so a flood of money is set to hit the Whakapapa facilities.  This means a new quad express lift to replace the Centennial Chair this year, and a quad chairlift to replace the Waterfall T-bar in 2017.  Good … Read more