Ruapehu Summit, Plans B and C

A full 24 of us piled into both vans to drive to the Lodge and scale Mt. Ruapehu, the highest peak on the North Island. We got there in time to catch the tail end of the “Tasman Tempest,” and thus were unable to ascend the peak. We did still, however, have a great weekend … Read more

Ruapehu Rumblings – May 2016

We’re getting excited about the 2016 Whakapapa snow season.  The Ruapehu crew have secured a licence renewal with DOC, and so a flood of money is set to hit the Whakapapa facilities.  This means a new quad express lift to replace the Centennial Chair this year, and a quad chairlift to replace the Waterfall T-bar in 2017.  Good … Read more

Why you should rock climb Part 1

There is a misconception that the mountaineering group in the club is hard core and tough. Hopefully once I have finished this article that misconception will be cleared up. If this does not do the trick then Frances and Henry’s talk on the 2nd December should sort it out once and for all. We didn’t meet … Read more

Pete Goodwin – Life Member

I mentioned to Pete one weekend at Ruapehu Lodge that I was doing some Life Member interviews and he promptly said ‘Right we’d better bloody get on with it then’. So he regaled me with decades of club adventures over coffee surrounded by kids playing and with stunning views of Taranaki out the window. When … Read more

Lodge Social – Whakapapa Village to Mangahuia Campsite

After heavy overnight thunderstorms at the Lodge, this route was predicted to be a wet one underfoot. The initial section from the top end of Whakapapa Village (09:40 hrs) South West to the Whakapapaiti track junction (11:25hrs) contoured around the lower slopes for Mt Ruapehu. Undulating, but a good track through the big gulleys (The … Read more