Mountain House Shelter Working Party

Despite the protestations of a certain long haired club member, oft quoted as saying “I’ve retired”, the Mountain House Hut was demolished by a Club work party ca. 2001.  In its place, a pragmatic structure now stands known as Mountain House Shelter.  This shelter was built off-site by club members under the close supervision of Gerard Galvin, before … Read more

Kapiti Island – DOC Volunteer Work

On Saturday morning around 8.15 we boarded our ferry in fine weather, along with a large group of day visitors, for the 10 to 15 minute trip to Kapiti Island. Despite warnings of bad weather brewing we had a pleasant journey. On arrival at Rangatira Flat we volunteers were greeted by DOC rangers Gen and … Read more

Working hard on Kapiti Island

Read on to hear about the club’s recent volunteer trip to Kapiti island and further down find out about more opportunities to volunteer (and visit)! After an early Saturday morning false start, the boat skipper called me about 2:30pm with the news the weather had calmed down enough to take us across late Saturday afternoon. … Read more