Ruapehu Lodge Report – June 2014

We’re running WTMC vans to the lodge this year! The first weekend is 19/20 July and it will be popular so get in quck. Accommodation-wise there’s at least a few bunks free on all winter weekends – for now. We’re running a Club Week on 10-15 August, and on 21-26 September too if there’s demand, so we’d love to see you there. For full details read on.

Ruapehu Lodge Report – May 2014

This month has seen the great lodge clean-up and bulk food carry-up, go to plan with around 22 people on board to do the work in preparation for what is shaping up to be a busy ski season for our lodge. Thanks to Andrew Trembath for his dedicated work in organising the people, the food … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report – April 2014

Ruapehu Lodge Bookings Open for Winter 2014 Season It’s that time of the year when bookings for members open 1 May 2014 for the whole season, with non-members, bookings opening 1 June 2014 for the whole season. This allows everyone to plan ahead. You can book via the booking system using your credit card. I suggest you get in early as periods … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report – Jan 2014

Summer at Mt Ruapehu is almost as exciting as winter. Whether it’s exploring Tongariro National Park, finding a central, comfortable, away-from-it-all place to relax, or as a central stopping off point to break your road trip, our lodge is a great place to call home. Over Christmas/New Years we ran an ‘Open Lodge’ – if … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report

Jan and I have just returned from another two weeks at Ruapehu after seven continuous days of excellent skiing. The weekend 14-15 September saw us waking up three mornings with fresh snow on the ground followed with fine weather. Unfortunately, the great spell of fine weather did not continue into the weekend of interclub ski … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report – September 2013

We are having some mild weather up the mountain and along with that comes more fine days than normal due to some persistent easterly winds with Whakapapa being in the shelter. The snow base is ample for some good skiing particularly, above the waterfall and above the west chair. With a mix of weather throughout … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Update – July 2013

So, we have snow at Whakapapa and hopefully by the time this reaches press the ski field will be up and running. The ski field operator, RAL, have approval to remove three T bars: the valley T bar, the Knoll ridge T bar and the waterfall T bar and replace them with one chairlift running … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Update – June 2013

Jan and I have spent a week early May looking after a school group and then helping a very hard working team to bring in winter food supplies for the lodge and making it clean and ready for the winter ski season. The Sunday prior to this, four of us spent the day doing remedial … Read more

Lodge Update – April 2013

Please find the Ruapehu Lodge Information sheet for 2013/2014 included in this newsletter. If you plan to use the lodge this season it is important that you familiarise yourself with the sheet or the online information as there are a number of changes compared to the previous years. The first change is with the opening … Read more