Nature of Things – November 2014

Thanks to those of you who made the effort to come to club night last week and participate in the EGM. This EGM was held to vote on the series of constitutional amendments needed to enact changes to our membership categories. I can report that the motion was passed by an extremely convincing show of … Read more

Nature of things – October 2014

Another month and another newsletter column! They seem to come around quickly. Probably partly because Committee is beavering away on a number of things at the moment. This issue we include our formal proposal for changes to membership categories, refined in response to your feedback. We will hold an EGM as part of club night … Read more

Nature of Things – September 2014

It’s an exciting time to be on the committee with a group of passionate, opinionated and talented people all committed to a vibrant club. Like any institution, the club needs to change and evolve to stay healthy and resist irrelevance. The advantage of a diverse committee is that we can have some strong debates and … Read more

Nature of Things – August 2014

You can read more later in this newsletter about the changes we’re looking at around membership. Thanks for your feedback on the membership categories – we’ve made some minor tweaks in response. We would also like your views around the requirements to join the club, particularly the two-trips requirement. Feel free to drop me an … Read more

Nature of Things – July 2014

In late July, Illona and I ran the club’s annual leadership course. The most inspiring thing about this course is that everyone there is committed to giving back to the club. This year we had eight people keen to learn the basics of WTMC trip leading, some of whom had already led one trip. I … Read more

Nature of things – June 2014

The Banff Film Festival World Tour hit Wellington last week, with three sold-out screenings. I only managed to catch one of the two programmes, which was the usual mix of inspiration and eclecticism. There’s something special about seeing the outdoors on the big screen in the company of several hundred like-minded people. This is the … Read more

Nature of Things – May 2014

Last month we had our first committee meeting of the 2014/15 year. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm every member of the committee has for their role when we each talked about what we most wanted to achieve in the coming year. Our goals ranged from making particular club or admin processes better to … Read more

Nature of Things – April 2014

Having spent April either moving house or travelling for work, tramping has not occupied its usual place in my thoughts. The last time I ventured out was for Bushcraft, which seems like approximately an eternity ago. And I miss it. All of us in this club share a mania for the outdoors, and for New … Read more

Nature of Things – March 2014

Greetings fellow trampers, By now you should have received a link to the Annual Report and audited financial statements for the financial year just ended. In my unbiased opinion these documents are worth reading. They tell you what the committee has been up to and what your annual subscription is giving you. They give you … Read more

Nature of Things – Feb 2014

Time for the second reminder or notice that the WTMC AGM is coming up. Hopefully you have Wednesday April 9, 7.30pm for an 8pm start marked in your diary. The venue is our usual meeting place in Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria. The Annual Report will be circulated ahead of the meeting. I had hoped to … Read more