Track Talk – Feb 2014

New members After a very well attended New Members night (well done David H and Mike G in particular) we will see a lot of new faces both on the tramp and also on trips over the next month. As long / short time members of the club we all have a responsibility to make … Read more

Track Talk – Jan 2014

Normally I have a good idea what I need to put in this article but this time I don’t have any burning issue to raise. That is good from a club perspective but not so good from me having to fill the space! I hope everybody had a good Christmas and managed to dodge enough … Read more

Track Talk – Dec 2013

Personal Locator Beacons (PLB) Recently two of our club members were on a trip and had to set off their PLB. They had been tramping over some rough terrain and it continued to worsen until they realized that they could not continue upwards as they did not have the confidence and ability to scramble over … Read more

Track Talk – Nov 2013

In the last news letter I asked for ideas about where people would like to go over summer – there is still time to send me your ideas. If you have a specific trip you would like to lead, go on then, let me know and even the dates you would like it to be. … Read more

Track Talk – Oct 2013

Help the Chief Guide – Go to the pub (Something tells me our president was expecting this sub-title in my very first newsletter article!) The club is hosting a new members night on the 9th October. It is important that we make new members welcome every night. This is not limited to the first time … Read more

Track Talk – September 2013

Mike Phethean, Chief Guide Hopefully you are all aware that the Spring Schedule is now published both on the web and in print. Thank you to all those people who signed up to be leaders it is very much appreciated. There really is a great range of trips coming up and it just remains for … Read more

Track Talk – Aug 2013

The trip planning meeting was held last Wednesday and I would like to thank all of those who attended and all those who submitted road end ideas. Looking at the draft plan I believe we have some exciting ideas for the next four months. The next stage of the planning is the recruitment of the … Read more

Track Talk – July 2013

During the next couple of months myself and Debbie will be carrying out my first trip schedule planning. We do these planning sessions three times a year and the next schedule to be produced is for the spring time. The schedule should be a reflection of where the club members would like to go and … Read more

Track Talk – June 2013

This is Debbie Buck the Assistant Chief Guide, filling in for Mike, who is off mountaineering in Alaska. This makes me think of two short and sweet topics to write about whilst I fill in for him this month: navigation and enjoying the cold outdoors. 1) Navigation There are a few day and weekend navigation … Read more

Track Talk – May 2013

Having never served on the committee before I must admit the job of being chief guide is a little daunting. Luckily the good job that Amanda has done over the last three years includes a great handover. I hope I can keep up the efficient work. The main thing I have inherited from Amanda is … Read more