From the Green Crocs – December 2010

This month, you are getting a bumper package from the club, the December newsletter, the Annual Journal, the Summer Trip Schedule, and the latest FMC bulletin. Plenty of reading material for the summer break! This is the second journal that Tony Gazley and Jackie Foster have produced for the club, and I know you will … Read more

From the Green Crocs – November 2010

Last month I mentioned that we were looking for some new club officers, and I am very pleased to tell you that all 3 vacancies have been filled. Megan Banks takes over as Promotions Officer, Mika Verheul is our new Secretary, and Pete Gent will be Gear Custodian. Many thanks to those members for volunteering … Read more

From the Green Crocs – October 2010

I don’t need to tell you that we’ve had a very wet winter, so well done to those of you who have been getting out in the hills. We finally seem to be getting a few warmer days, so hopefully summer is not too far away. Many of you will know that I am recovering … Read more

From the Green Crocs – September 2010

The spring trip schedule will reach you with this newsletter, there are some really great trips on offer, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the great NZ outdoors with WT&MC. Thanks to all the people who have volunteered to lead trips, especially those who are leading trips for the first … Read more

From the Green Crocs – August 2010

Winter has been throwing its worst at us over the last few weeks, so it is good to see plenty of people still getting out tramping. Tramping in winter is a very different beast to summer tramping, and there is nothing quite like walking along a ridge in the snow on a bright blue, clear, … Read more

From the Green Crocs – July 2010

In my last column, I mentioned the committee planning day on May 29th, we had a productive morning discussing strategic issues that affect the club. One thing that we decided was that there was not enough visibility around what committee does, so we are taking steps to address that. Committee minutes will be available on … Read more

From the Green Crocs – May/June 2010

This coming Saturday May 29th, the committee is holding a planning day. Although we meet monthly, we don’t always have time to discuss some of the strategic issues that the club faces. For example, at recent years’ planning days, we have spent time discussing what the club should do around transport. While we do not … Read more

From the Green Crocs – April 2010

If you have been reading my last few columns, you will know that the club held its Annual General Meeting last Wednesday (April 14th). While the AGM is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is an important opportunity for you, the members, to ask myself and the committee any questions you have about club affairs. … Read more

From the Green Crocs – March 2010

If the last week is anything to go by, summer is still clinging on, and it is great to see lots of people out enjoying the good weather. With Easter being fairly early this year, I expect that many of you will be planning some great multi-day trips, and the club has a fantastic selection … Read more

From the Green Crocs – February 2010

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer break, whether you went tramping or not. I know the weather was not great for some of the groups that went to the South Island over Christmas and New Year, but from the reports I have heard, they still managed to do what they had … Read more