From the President …in August 2021 …

Tēnā koutou It’s been quite a mixed month for everyone and the club. At such a time, it’s important to not lose sight of the many recent great WTMC moments. The Families Group enjoyed its awesome annual campfire cookout at Battle Hill with about 30 people. The kids had an absolutely wonderful time, learning how … Read more

From the President … in July 2021

Tēnā koutou I’m delighted that we now have a full Committee – and really pleased to welcome our new Chief Guide, Anne de Ferron. Anne has been leading trip for many years, as well as helping the club with the Mountain Film Festival and in many other ways. So many thanks to Matt C for … Read more

From the President … in June 2021

Tēnā koutou I appreciate Wellington moving back to Level 2 is a settling time for many members, the club and our outdoors community. We will send out more information in a few days when it is clearer whether we are likely to return to Level 1 early next week or stay at Level 2 for … Read more

From the President … in May 2021

May has been another month of hearing about lots of fantastic club trips and adventures and getting to experience a range of club events.  The new Committee also had its first meeting and agreed on its priorities for the upcoming year. Building leadership capability and capacity will be an important focus – both in terms … Read more

From the President … in April … 2021

A new club year and Committee This year’s AGM went well – I’m pleased to welcome the new Committee. There’s a number of familiar faces, including some in new roles, and some new Committee members (welcome Beverley Holder and Mike Campbell). I’m also delighted that post-AGM we now have a new Promotions Officer, Social Convenor … Read more

From the President … in March 2021

Nearly a year ago when elected President I couldn’t have come close to imagining all the year would bring for the club. It’s easy to focus on the COVID-19 challenges but there’s more to celebrate. What a year! It’s been wonderful to see so many trip reports over the last month or so on our … Read more

Draft WTMC Mission Statement and Values

The General Committee has started thinking about a Mission Statement and Values for our club. We’d appreciate your feedback on having a Mission Statement and values, as well as what we’ve come up with so far. Email by 6 April 2021 DRAFT MISSION STATEMENT “Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club is an outdoor activities club … Read more

From the President … in February … 2021

A big welcome to all our new members and a huge welcome back to our many continuing members! Covid-19 continues to present challenges but in the bigger picture we remain very fortunate and as a club we’re more prepared. If we return to level 2, it’s likely we’ll continue to run most trips and the … Read more

From the President … in January … 2021

Welcome to 2021! We’ve had a great start to the year with a very enjoyable and satisfying trip planning night. For any ideas or if you want to lead or co-lead a trip (we’re more than happy to help find a co-leader and/or mentor for anyone) email . There’s also been some fun and challenging … Read more