Over a Cuppa – November 2013

Our Wednesday night events and presentations are going well and attendance numbers are good. I’m so pleased this is happening. Our speakers for the rest of the year: 30 October – Pete Gent takes us on his recent trip to Svalbard – wrap up warm for this presentation 6 November – Adventures in Scotland on … Read more

Over a cuppa – October 2013

We have another great month lined up for you as follows: 2 October Tom Fanning takes us along the Camino. 9 October A definite night to come down and talk about the virtues of our amazing club at new members night. Your enthusiasm will help make the night a success and ensure that we continue … Read more

Over a Cuppa Tea – September 2013

September starts off with a hiss and a roar with Grant Newton on 4 September talking about his trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands a few years ago. Grant captured many wonderful images so you will be in for a treat when you come along. Simon Bell revisits us on September 11 talking about rock climbing at Mt … Read more

Some interesting presentations coming up

We’ve had an amazing array of presenters for July and there were many highlights, however I think my personal favourite was from Wednesday 24 July when Sue Keall from Victoria University brought out Spike the Tuatara. The looks of excitement, sheer delight and wonder on everyone’s faces was magical to see. You couldn’t tell the … Read more

Club night talks – May 2013

Welcome to the Social Convenor’s corner!  I’m excited about being back on committee and in this role. I’m on the hunt for speakers for Wednesday nights and I have one or two “hunters” keeping their ears to the ground to pick up speakers for me too. If you are keen to try your hand at … Read more

Up and coming talks at club – April 2013

There are many exciting and interesting talks coming up in the next few weeks at club: 17 April: Favourite bit of tramping kit (Mike Gilbert). If you have a favourite bit of tramping kit, and would like to contribute to this talk, contact 24 April: Gear only 1 May: African safari (Richard Young) 8 … Read more

WTMC 2013 Photo competition

The Club’s photo competition was very competitive this year. The judge Grant Newton noted that the standard was higher than in previous years and found it difficult to choose a winner in a number of categories. Despite this the results were dominated by Tony Gazley and Spencer Clubb. Tony won three of the categories with … Read more

Social corner – December 2012

Jenny Beaumont, Social convenor Thanks to all who came along to the club rooms on the 21st to celebrate 65 years of the WTMC with us on the 21st November!  We had a great evening with some tales from the past from Sue, wonderful slides shown from the good old days from Sue, Brian and Harry, some more … Read more