Timber Trail

There were 6 of us on the trip to do the timber trail. It was approximately a 5 hour drive to Ongarue. We met at the Wellington railway station and left at 4pm on Friday. We arrived at Bennet Rd campsite at 10pm and camped there using our own tents. It was not too cold … Read more

Moss Pass via Blue Lake

The following is a recollection of the trip from two perspectives – Lynsey and Tiffany. With two vans from WTMC heading down for the long weekend, the ferry ride was a social affair, especially with a group of TTC folks also heading down for an attempt of Mt Manakau. We shared a van with James’ … Read more

Triangle Hut

Note: A Personal Locator Beacon was activated on this trip. Read this article to learn more about the club’s response. On Friday afternoon we set off from Wellington station, picking up Anna at Melling Station on the way before testing out the new transmission gully route to Waikanae where we picked up a tramper from … Read more

Objective – Ringatoto East Ridge from Rangipo Hut

Friday – Wellington to Rangipo Hut Excitement was in the air as we left Platform 9 at 5pm on Friday – we had a great group, a promising forecast and a full moon to look forward to. 4.5 hours later we turned on to the Tukino Access Road. It’s a bumpy ride at the start … Read more

Getting mobilised – Ngāuruhoe and beyond

Some trip specifics Friday night – 2.45pm left Wellington. Arrived Mangetepōpō hut (1,190m) about 8.30pm (20 min walk in from carpark) Saturday, circa.9am (well hydrated and fed) – Tongariro Crossing track to South Crater. Track started getting icy near the top of Devil’s Staircase. Good place to put on crampons. Met tour group at junction. … Read more

Lake Waikareiti and Kaipo Lagoon

Gorgeous Dracophyllum plants whenever we neared the edge of the Lake

We were all really looking forward to this trip! – it had originally been on the trip schedule for Waitangi Day weekend, but could not go ahead as the local iwi had closed down the area for a time. We left at 3pm on Thursday afternoon from Wellington train station. There were 11 of us in … Read more

Upper Makaroro

Our trip planning got off to a shaky start when James Wratt, the original trip leader, needed to isolate as a Covid close contact. Finding out I would lead an overnight trip for the first time, two days before the trip was due to start, was a bit of a shock. However James had done … Read more

Matariki weekend trip to Kawekas

Our delightful bunch of 8 bubbly people departed from Platform 9 on Thursday night and made our way to the Makahu road end carpark. A stop was made to scoff burgers in Sanson. All this seemed promising until our headlights beamed on 4 other cars at the road end and realised we’ll have to set … Read more

The Triangle Trio – Triangle hut via Rangiwahia

We started walking about 8.30pm, easily finding the path in the dark aside from one accidental diversion (missing the hairpin turn in the track). At 10pm we arrived at Rangiwahia hut to our dream scenario of many spare bunks and a blazing fire. (Note: DoC’s new booking system is finally open and you now need … Read more

Mānawatia a Matariki! Manuoha – Sandy Bay Circuit

We had an awesome trip away to Te Urewera over Matariki weekend. It was a perfect way to celebrate our new public holiday and opportunity to do what Matariki is all about, reflecting on the past, celebrating the present and looking to the future. Heading away to a very remote and untrodden part of the … Read more