Mountain biking in the Tararuas

 DOC was recently approached by a group of community representatives, who are keen to see mountain biking options in the Tararua Forest Park. There are currently very limited opportunities for recreational mountain bikers to enjoy the Tararuas, unlike most other DOC managed areas throughout the country. DOC has proposed to allow mountain bikers access to … Read more

WTMC survey

The Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club (WTMC) is running a survey to look at ways we could share out the work of running our club more effectively. The purpose of this survey is not to single out members for doing more or less, it’s simply to assess how we manage the club, and how we could manage it better. … Read more

Sutherlands Hut

Saturday morning was sunny but quite cool when we emerged from the van at the road end. Extra layers of clothing were quickly added. Our track was a 4-wheel-drive route, at times deeply rutted and beginning with a huge muddy pool. We walked downhill through regenerating bush to the first of 10 river crossings and … Read more

Kahurangi National Park Mountain Bike Trails

Mountain bikers can begin riding Kahurangi National Park’s Flora Saddle to Barron Flat and Kill Devil tracks now but are reminded they cannot begin riding the Heaphy Track until 1 May 2011, says the Department of Conservation. The DOC comments follow the announcement by the New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) that it has approved a revised … Read more

Notes from the Basement

Could trip leaders note that there is not an unlimited supply of small flys to hand out for trips. If you have a big group, please request big flies. I know we all like to save weight in our packs but it’s a limited supply! If it’s a busy week, eg before a long weekend … Read more