Aunty Rata Interview with Richard Young

If you regularly come along to Club nights or the after match debriefs at the Welshie then Richard Young probably needs no introduction – he’s the tall, skinny enthusiastic guy who is into photography. Richard is a sparky by trade and this is a good description of his personality as well. Practical, enthusiastic , diligent … Read more

Boxing Day Bog Boys

The mission was to install the new dunny at Maungahuka. And Gerard was excited! He’d been waiting for a “window” of fine weather and at last he had it! He rang Roger excitedly: Gerard:The weather’s looking good. Real settled. There are four suns! Roger: Four what? Gerard: Four suns! On TV there was a sun … Read more

Mt Arrowsmith: Snow, Slots, Slabs, Slips and Stock Bridges

Mt Arrowsmith was the challenge.  All 2,781 metres of her on the Main Divide west of Ashburton.  Steve Reeves pulled out on the eleventh hour due to straining his back at Rock ‘n’ Roll dance classes.  The group was now down to eight with Joe Fraser (leader), Tony Reeves, Charlie Batho, Andrew Downes, Simon Wakeman, … Read more