Ivory Lake

Ivory Lake - with its glacier and icebergs

Ivory Lake – a hiking trip through spectacular west coast NZ scenery. A 10 day hike through Westland National Park to visit Ivory Lake and its icebergs. Day 1: 23rd Dec 2017 – Hokitika Gorge to meadow campsite (45 mins) We arrived in Hokitika eager for shade and faffing time. Having driven from Picton that … Read more

Magical Mole Tops

admiring the view

Condensed version. The trip plan as submitted on the intentions sheet was: Friday evening – ferry and travel to Murchison. Saturday – drive to Mataki Lodge and walk up the valley to Mole Hut. Sunday – walk up to Mole Saddle and Mole Tops. If the weather is OK camp at Mole Saddle, otherwise Mole … Read more

The Climb of Torayoc (1968 WTMC Andean Expedition)

From the 21st anniversary WTMC Journal, “Impressions of a Tramping Club”. It took two weeks of interminable wrangling, four customs agents and dozens of rubber stamps and signatures to clear the two tons of expedition gear and food through customs in Lima – a very depressing time. Ken and I had stayed in Lima for … Read more

Pete Goodwin – Life Member

I mentioned to Pete one weekend at Ruapehu Lodge that I was doing some Life Member interviews and he promptly said ‘Right we’d better bloody get on with it then’. So he regaled me with decades of club adventures over coffee surrounded by kids playing and with stunning views of Taranaki out the window. When … Read more

Sutherlands Hut

Saturday morning was sunny but quite cool when we emerged from the van at the road end. Extra layers of clothing were quickly added. Our track was a 4-wheel-drive route, at times deeply rutted and beginning with a huge muddy pool. We walked downhill through regenerating bush to the first of 10 river crossings and … Read more

Hot dates and roaring stags

I woke up to my alarm at the ungodly hour of 6:00AM on a Saturday.  This only reminds me of my time as a struggling student, having to wake up for the early morning shift at Moore Wilsons.  Nevertheless I put on my tramping gear and threw my pack over and ventured into the early … Read more

A week at Tasman Saddle

What’s better than going up a mountain without having to walk to its foot? Yes correct – going up lots of mountains without horizontal walking. And that was basically the entire plan for this trip.     We flew down to Christchurch on a Saturday morning, hopped into a rental car and drove down to Ashburton to … Read more

Mt Footstool (2767m)

  “Footstool? You really wanna climb a mountain with such a name?” – that was pretty much the reply I got from my boss when asking for a day off late October. I usually don’t care too much about mountain names, but I had to admit that it is a weird name, probably originating from … Read more

Taihape-Fernhill Cycle / Kuripapango Day Walk / Magatutu Hot Pools Mohaka Tubing Adventure

Friday 3rd February Fish and chips, pizza and Subway at Paraparaumu gave the group a foundation of reserves for the start of the long Waitangi day Weekend on Friday eve. We reached Mangaweka international airport around 9pm in time to check in for a flight to la la land, pitching our tents at the departure … Read more

Ball Pass – Mount Cook

Flying into Christchurch late Friday we had two days and a dodgy weather forecast to get ourselves over Ball Pass. Three of the group had gone ahead early, which left six of us arriving on the 8:15 pm flight to grab the two remaining cars and drive to Mt Cook. The weather on the way … Read more