Neill Forks via Makaka Spur

We set of from Waiohine Gorge road end on Friday night for Cone hut. Our original plan was to navigate to Jak Flats biv North of Mid-Waiohine hut but the heavy rain and wind forecast for Sunday wasn’t conducive to tops travel so we reshuffled it to Neill Forks via some navigation up from the … Read more

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk

Nearing Jumbo with the sun setting on Mt Holdsworth after we had traversed the Broken Axe Pinnacles.

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk in Tararua Forest Park A day walk along the Broken Axe Pinnacles in Tararua Forest Park via Pinnacle Ridge, Baldy, Jumbo, and Mt Holdsworth. We arrived at the Holdsworth carpark at 8 am just in time to see the full moon setting below the western hills. Twelve hours later … Read more

Jumbo Holdsworth Tramp – Powell Hut (EM)

We all met at Platform 9 at 8.00am on Saturday, a delayed start from Friday night due to a running race being held on the Holdsworth Track. We also changed our route plan, missing Jumbo Hut, so as to avoid the ridge on Sunday. The weather looked good as we headed to the Wairarapa onto … Read more

“It’s all downhill from here…” – A sensible SK trip

Be sure to check out all of Tony G’s photos. Megan had advertised in a newsletter earlier in the year that she would be leading a sensible SK trip over the Easter. Sensible in that it would be done over 4 days and all punters would keep their trousers on for the duration of the … Read more

Jumbo-Holdsworth Trail Race

Due to the early 8am Saturday morning start we did what many of the other competitors did and headed out to camp at Holdsworth roadend on the Friday night. We left the railway station at 6pm, and after a substantial dinner at Istanbul in Carterton we set up our tents and had an early night. Cars … Read more

Jumbo-Holdsworth run

When Gareth asked me for the sixth time “have you committed to the Jumbo-Holdsworth?” I weighed up the pros and cons for the sixth time. Pros – no time left to do any training, have run the route before and enjoyed it, unlikely to be snow this time. Cons – have not done any training, … Read more