Holdsworth to Jumbo tramp

Mt Holdsworth in winter

Walking from Powell Hut to Jumbo Hut in winter [Aimee] Tony said it was time for another trip. We all agreed. Outside of working hours, the best weather window was between Friday evening and Saturday mid-morning. Because of this, Tony suggested we go for a day walk, but at night. Recalling the last time we … Read more

Shingle Slip Knob Plane Wreck

When I saw that a tramp to the plane wreck at Shingle Slip Knob was planned I was keen and quickly signed up. On my first climb of Mt Holdsworth when I was 12 years old we spotted the wreck in the far distance. Something about the wreck captured my imagination and it had been … Read more

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk

Nearing Jumbo with the sun setting on Mt Holdsworth after we had traversed the Broken Axe Pinnacles.

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk in Tararua Forest Park A day walk along the Broken Axe Pinnacles in Tararua Forest Park via Pinnacle Ridge, Baldy, Jumbo, and Mt Holdsworth. We arrived at the Holdsworth carpark at 8 am just in time to see the full moon setting below the western hills. Twelve hours later … Read more