Mt Patriarch – Mt Richmond Forest Park

What a trip, what a weekend, what a day! We had a wonderfully smooth sail on the Interislander, and used the time to scour our maps and discuss where we would go! It’s a wonderful feeling to pour over topo maps and evaluate track options when possibilities abound!  So exciting! We had been informed by … Read more

Richmond Range (a primer)

Richmond Range

We weren’t supposed to be in the Mount Richmond Forest Park – that was Plan C. But the weather had already put paid to Plans A and B. So as we were driving up Staircase Road to the Lake Chalice carpark and a pine tree fell in slow motion across the road immediately in front … Read more

Old Man Hut, Richmond Ranges

Lake Chalice, Richmond Ranges

On Friday afternoon I met with Elly our trip leader at 2.30pm at the car rental office to collect a fancy SUV. We drove to the train station to get Matt (whom I have been tramping quite a lot with on recent club trips) and Nicole who is a colleague of Elly’s. We arrived at … Read more

Lake Chalice

This club easy tramp was made very special because of both the pretty place we went to, and also because everyone on the trip got on so well together. There was never a harsh word, and all those little camping jobs were done as if by magic. Lake Chalice is a delightful place. We arrived … Read more

Mid Goulter (very steep)

“Hmm, maybe my hatchback wouldn’t make it here after all,” I finally admitted, at about a quarter to midnight.  Whilst it’s a ‘gravel road’ on the map, the road to Lake Chalice is a lot more like a goat track than a road.  It’s narrow, steep, winding and rough.  For once I was grateful to … Read more

Rintoul Hut

The Richmond Range is seldom visited by the club, possibly as there are few good round trips. I had visited Rintoul before when doing the Richmond alpine route so knew it was good country. The choice of route was a problem, as to do a round trip meant we would miss the 7pm ferry and … Read more

Richmond Range midnight special

The special theory of relativity formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905 predicts that time slows for fast-moving objects. Presumably then, by moving quickly objects should have plenty of time to reach their destination. But we now have irrefutable proof that Einstein was wrong – because on a recent trip to the Richmond Range although we … Read more