A four seasons Easter around Mount Ruapehu – Round the Mountain Track: Tongariro National Park

Summary:  Thursday 28 March:   Friday 28 March (Day 1): 19.36 km  Highlights: Walking times:  Saturday 29 March (Day 2) – 19.43km  Highlights: Walking times: Sunday 30 March (Day 3) – 22.72km  Highlights:  Walking times:  Monday 1 April (Day 4) – 29.86 kms   Highlights:  Walking times:

WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – a brief history 1952 to 2022

The WTMC Ruapehu Lodge in winter 1954

WTMC Ruapehu Lodgea brief history 1952 to 2022 A concise history of the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club (WTMC) Lodge on Mt Ruapehu from its initial construction in 1952 until 2022. Most club members will know we have a lodge at Mt Ruapehu. Many of you will have stayed there. But the lodge didn’t just … Read more