Mt Taranaki Summit (Khyber Pass route) – Egmont National Park

This trip required strength and experience. What some members of the group lacked in experience, they made up for in strength and will. We were met with weather challenges, difficult terrain and chilling cold that could have ripped your pants right off your legs, but the group persevered through it all on route to the … Read more

Around the Mountain Circuit – Egmont National Park

Timings Dawson falls to Waiaua Gorge Hut: 3 hours 50 minutes Waiaua Gorge Hut to Kahui Hut: 3 hours 15 minutes Kahui Hut to Holly Hut: 3 hours 40 minutes Holly Hut to Dawson Falls: 5 hours Day one We spent Friday night at Konini Lodge, by Dawson Falls. MetService had been warning of “severe … Read more

Mount Taranaki Summit

View from top of Mt Taranaki

We’ve regrouped at the top of a 300m long stretch of steep scoria on the way down the north ridge of Mount Taranaki. The sun blazes from a cloudless sky, there’s no wind and it’s hot – a heat haze shimmers off the dusty slope. Having climbed over 1500m today our legs are tired and … Read more

Terrible Taranaki

INTRODUCTION The weather reports leading up to this trip were very inconsistent, and as such we thought we would proceed rather than cancel. However, the leader made it clear to all that reaching the summit (which was the trip’s goal) was going to be a bonus at best! The back-up plan was to tramp around … Read more

Good Rock – Organ Pipes

New Zealand is a new country geographically speaking. The Southern Alps grow every year, and Aoraki has a go at shrinking every year. For a NZ rock climber, the primary goal is to find “good rock”. Not to seek out nice “starred” routes with lovely outlooks and beautiful sequences. No, the goal is to find … Read more

The world was about to end so we got high!

Platform 9 at the train station, the usual story, but this weekend was different. The world was predicted to end, and the weather was forecast to be clear on Mt Taranaki… It was as if the stars were aligned. The plan, being to take the club vans to North Taranaki car park and a quick … Read more