Lodge update – November 2012

Well the ski season for our Lodge is over for this year but remember the Lodge is available over the summer period. Four or more people are a good number for the economics of people staying but we can accept less at the discretion of the Lodge Booking Officer. We will be shortly having a … Read more

Lodge update – October 2012

Brian Goodwin, Ruapehu Lodge convenor  It is nearing the end of the ski season and we are continuing to get more snow. It was possible to ski back to the Lodge in the last couple of weeks. This season has not seen much snow on the lower part of the mountain but the upper mountain … Read more

Lodge update – September 2012

Brian Goodwin, Ruapehu Lodge convenor Jan and I spent two weeks in the Lodge recently. The first week was a club ski week and the second we were club representatives for a school group. We had nine days skiing out of twelve with five Bluebird (clear) days and the other with a mix of sun … Read more

Pinnacles traverse

The trip was a lodge based ice climbing trip. The difficulty: no ice. I only had one other punter and due to severe jet lag they decided to bail too. What to do? The answer was to recruit someone on really short notice. Luckily I was climbing with Simon on Thursday and persuaded him that … Read more

Naturists on Tongariro

Note to the Committee: I feel I must notify you of a conflict of interest I have, as myself and others have formed a new club that inevitably will compete with the WTMC.  A group of us have had a flash of insight that there is a totally un-serviced need in the tramping community, and … Read more

Lodge Update – August 2012

A few years ago the Lyall Bay surf club building was burnt down because surf boards were cutting through wiring over a period of time. In the club lodge, all the wiring to the ski room and alarm wiring goes through the loft. Skis were often stored in the loft. With the wiring exposed in … Read more

Lodge Update – June 2012

Well, the snow has fallen on the mountain and it’s looking good. Bookings for the lodge opened 1 May and are steadily coming in. There is still space for the school holidays especially the first week starting 1st July and there is still heaps of space both weeks of the second lot of school holidays … Read more

Lodge Update – April 2012

You will have received the Ruapehu Lodge Guide for 2012/2013 with this newsletter. If you plan to use the lodge this season it is important that you familiarise yourself with the sheet as a number of major changes are taking place:   New online booking system. We are pleased to let everyone know that club … Read more

Lodge Update – December 2011-January 2012

Author: Sue Walsh, Ruapehu Lodge convenor Merry Christmas to all the users of the lodge! We hope you had an enjoyable experience at the lodge over winter. We strongly encourage you to consider the lodge as summer destination too. If you’re not used to the seeing the mountain in its summer glory you will be pleasantly surprised. There’s … Read more

Lodge Update – Aug 2011

The southerly front that came through the other week certainly curled up the fingers and toes however the more snow we can get, the more appealing the lodge becomes.  Don’t forget to check out the lodge winter schedule and book yourself in for some fun time up there. We recently took part in an event … Read more