Mt Tapuae-o-Uenuku – Inland Kaikouras

The journey to Mt. Tappy is one of the highlights of the WTMC winter schedule and this year was no exception. The trip got off to a poor start from a punctuality viewpoint as we arrived into Picton 90 mins late at half past midnight. The ferry staff put on free fish n chips to … Read more

Mika Verheul – WTMC Secretary

Although it is not a habit of the secretary to fill the pages in the newsletter, it seems to be a good opportunity to introduce myself to the club as the new secretary. First of all, my name is Mika Verheul. Now by saying that I hear some of you wondering whether it is actually … Read more

Social Corner – November 2010

Hi everyone Just to let you know …. possibly the biggest, most exciting, awe inspiring and most talked about Wednesday night of the tramping club calendar (other than the ball!)……. the international, world famous WTMC photo competition awards night will be held the beginning of March 2011. The reason for the change is to give … Read more

Track Talk – November 2010

with Amanda Wells – Chief Guide Tramping can be a psychologically challenging sport. Aside from the difficulty of dragging yourself plus pack to the station when you’d rather be having a quiet drink, and the sitting for hours in a van, the trip itself can mess with your head. A few weeks ago, we were … Read more

From the Green Crocs – November 2010

Last month I mentioned that we were looking for some new club officers, and I am very pleased to tell you that all 3 vacancies have been filled. Megan Banks takes over as Promotions Officer, Mika Verheul is our new Secretary, and Pete Gent will be Gear Custodian. Many thanks to those members for volunteering … Read more

Heritage to Tunupo

Around the 3rd to 5th of September Bernie, Richard, Mike and I had plans to do some exploring around the southern Ruahines. We bailed out a day early with too much snow for the gear we’d brought, not to mention an extended mountain forecast of 120km/h galeforce nor-westerlies in exposed mountain areas on Sunday. Okay, … Read more

Mt Cupola

I looked at the weather forecast on the Monday and it looked alright. Rain on the Friday and Sunday and clear on the Saturday, the climbing day By Tuesday the forecast had gone rotten, two fronts passing through one hitting on our Saturday. I sorted out a good book and made sure we had some … Read more