From the President – June 2024

Kia ora, This article provides general club updates including: Ngā mihi Anne  The Easy/Medium trip to Cascade Hut over the weekend of 21-23 June was the club’s first to that Hut via the Hinemaiaia track.  Overall, the group found it a very pleasing and scenic track with stunningly clear streams and rivers. The “cascades” near … Read more

From the President – May 2024

Kia ora, This article provides general club updates including: If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch. Ngā mihi Anne  Favourite photos from the Dorset Ridge MF trip. Highlights include Emily putting her hair into a Princess Leia style for May the 4th, how the EM, M, and MF WTMC trips … Read more

From the President – April 2024

Kia ora, This article provides general club updates including: If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch. Ngā mihi Anne  Pouakai Circuit (EM) A few highlights included (from Sara): great to see a bunch of new club members along for their first tramp with the club! Everyone was incredibly enthusiastic, and … Read more

Volunteers needed

We are looking for volunteers to fill our critical vacancies. If you are interested in helping out please get in touch with . Chief Guide (vacant) The Chief Guide oversees Club trips and activities. In particular, they are responsible for ensuring that trip run smoothly and safely, and answer queries from Trip Leaders and Participants. … Read more

AGM 2024: Results

The Annual General Meeting for the 2023/24 year took place on 10 April. The meeting was well attended in person and a few Members also attended online. The agenda and papers for the meeting are available here. Key decisions made in the meeting: Minutes of the 2023 AGM: Approved without amendments Annual Report and Financial … Read more

From the President – March 2024

Kia ora, This article provides general club updates including: If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch. Ngā mihi Anne de Ferron  Taranaki (MF) – Twelve of us climbed Taranaki Maunga via the Khyber Pass Route (it was too icy to go up the east ridge as planned) with a pre … Read more

Update: Refund policy and Booking fees

This article sets out changes to the WTMC refund policy and changes to Paypal fees. Updated refund policy The Committee has reviewed and approved a new policy to provide refunds across Club services and activities, including trips and training, Lodge and Paua Hut bookings. These changes are brought in so we take a consistent approach … Read more

Notice of AGM: 10 April 2024

Wednesday 10 April 2024, 6-7.30pm  Annual General Meeting Find the event on the website or on Facebook. This notice provides an Agenda for the AGM, supporting documents, nominations received for the Committee,and information on how to join the AGM remotely through “Google Meet.”This page will be updated when new nominations or motions are received. Agenda for the AGM [ Last … Read more

Evening picnic at Carkeek

A deep longing.Carkeek! Carkeek! Oh, Carkeek!We’ll be with you soon. Those who tramped with me over the last couple of years will know this trip to Carkeek hut had been a long time coming.  My interest in the most remote hut in the Tararuas started turning into an obsession in 2023 on a new years … Read more

From the President – February 2024

Kia ora, This month we acknowledge Club member Garth Ireland, who sadly passed away earlier this month. This article also provides general club updates including: From the Committee, including Newbies night and Committee Nominations for 2024/25 Lodge updates, including Future of the Lodge conversations and upcoming Lodge training Coming up in March If you have … Read more