The Nature of Things – November 2012

65 years ago this month, a group of keen outdoors people got together and formed the WTMC. What a good idea that was! On Wed 28 Nov we are having a retro night. People will be showing old school slides from various tramping expeditions.  Feel free to come along adorned in your best black singlet … Read more

Track Talk – November 2012

The fact that I seem to have written the last newsletter column only five minutes ago clearly indicates we’re on the downhill slope towards Christmas. But before then we need to get another trip schedule planned, lead and published! It’s not too late to get your road end ideas to me – email before … Read more

Track Talk – August 2012

It’s been a beautiful weekend in Wellington. And judging by the view out the bedroom window, a beautiful weekend in the Tararuas as well. While appreciating the view, I feel that rueful opportunity cost of being at home rather than in the mountains; being sick and being on call not withstanding. The last few times … Read more

The Nature of Things – August 2012

Tena koutou fellow trampers. Big thanks to the Committee and the rest of the WTMC team for ensuring the Club ran smoothly while I was overseas. Actually it sounds like it may have run even better without me around. Perhaps I should go away more often. Special thanks also to Katy Glenie who has taken … Read more

Nature of Things – July 2012

Congratulations to Ian and Spencer whose photos received recognition in the 2012 FMC photo competition. Spencer’s photo taken near the WTMC Mountain House shelter in the Tararuas was the overall winning shot from the 224 entries! Keep those cameras snapping in preparedness for next club competition planned for early 2013. A big thank you to … Read more

Track Talk – July 2012

As I write this in front of the fire on a Sunday morning (late again!), I’m thinking of Allen and Sue’s crew off in the Orongorongos. A cold night in Karori would have been even colder in the hills. But two weeks ago at North Ohau Hut, we were far from cold despite the ice … Read more

The Nature of Things – June 2012

This time last year I wrote in the newsletter that the three areas the Committee would try to put a bit of extra effort into were membership acquisition, increasing Lodge usage and improving the website. Progress in each of these areas was touched on in the 2011 Annual Report. It is too early yet to … Read more

Track Talk – June 2012

Next week we’re running an instruction day at the club rooms for people interested in leading trips. It’s cheering to have numbers well past the minimum threshold, when last year we had to cancel. We need a continual inflow of new leaders, with a proportion of existing leaders choosing to take time out every schedule … Read more

Track Talk – May 2012

With this newsletter, you’ve received the Winter trip schedule. Thanks to everyone who’s committed to lead a trip – you play the most crucial role in the club. Only once you have lead a trip, do you appreciate the work that goes into it. And only then can you fully appreciate being a punter. I … Read more

Nature of Things – May 2012

Three cheers for everyone who showed up for the AGM, especially those who were brave enough to participate in the informal discussion on trips, vans and the club nights. We welcome feedback on anything to do with running the club so feel free to talk to a committee member on a Wednesday night or send … Read more