The Nature of Things – Oct 2011

Hopefully you have been taking full advantage of the great Spring weather to get outdoors tramping, cycling, kayaking, running or just to catching the pool matches in the Rugby World Cup. Shivering in the Cake Tin watching Scotland try to beat Argentina did remind me rather a lot of tramping. With daylight saving here now … Read more

The Nature of Things – Sept 2011

This month Amanda and Richard have been busy putting the finishing touches to the spring trip schedule. We have some great trips coming up so I hope you manage to go on a few of them. I know many people take photos on their trips. It would be great if some of you photographers offered … Read more

The Nature of Things – Aug 2011

After a super mild autumn and a slow start to winter the snow suddenly arrived in dramatic fashion with a couple of good winter storms. Whakapapa now has a respectable 140cm snow base making skiing and other stuff not only possible but enjoyable. With impeccable timing we managed to slot the first weekend of Snowcraft … Read more

The Nature of Things – July 2011

The committee was so busy we forgot to meet this month. There is a great deal going on administration wise and out in the field. The highlights are recorded in this newsletter. Thanks to everyone who has obliged us by writing trip reports. I’m sure I’m not the only person who looks forward to reading … Read more

The Nature of Things – June 2011

Last month I said I’d be reporting back on any special projects to be undertaken this financial year. At this stage we are putting a bit of extra energy into three areas: Membership acquisition Lifting usage of the club Lodge Improving the club website These three areas are interrelated. Ideally we want to replace departing … Read more

The Nature of Things – May 2011

The 64th AGM has been and gone. Thanks to the 2010-11 committee for their great work running the club and to those members who made the effort to attend. For those of you who missed the AGM I have your names and numbers. The highlight was Sue Walsh being made a life member. Sue is … Read more

From the Green Crocs (April 2011)

The Annual General Meeting is on this coming Wednesday, April 6th, and at that meeting we will elect a new committee. I want to pay tribute to the people who are standing down from committee; Michael Lightbourne, who has produced the Newsletter for almost 6 years, Jenny Beaumont, our Membership Officer for the last 2 … Read more

From the Green Crocs – March 2011

Obviously the tragic events in Christchurch this week are on many people’s minds at the moment. I hope that anyone who has friends and family in the city has heard that all are safe and well. As a former resident of the city, it has been a huge shock for me to hear about the … Read more

From the Green Crocs – February 2011

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year break, WT&MC is back up and running already, our first club trips of the year battled the stormy weather over Wellington Anniversary weekend. Sandra and I were battling the crowds at the Big Day Out, which was a fantastic day, despite the rain. I … Read more