Update: Refund policy and Booking fees

This article sets out changes to the WTMC refund policy and changes to Paypal fees. Updated refund policy The Committee has reviewed and approved a new policy to provide refunds across Club services and activities, including trips and training, Lodge and Paua Hut bookings. These changes are brought in so we take a consistent approach … Read more

WTMC Photo Competition 2023

Winners and runners-up in the 2023 WTMC Photo Competition judged by Lissa from Lissa Photography. Over 80 photos have been entered in the photo competition this year. The entry categories of the competition followed those of the FMC national photo competition. Club winning photos, and the runners-up, in each category are forwarded to the national … Read more

The Fight for Survival: Volunteering with the Takahē Recovery Programme

April 2023 Ka tū te moho, kia ora ake anō. The takahē stands, in order to live again. Suddenly a royal blue head pops up in front of me while I’m walking along checking a trapline. I stop and stand still, so I don’t startle the pair of noisy takahē that have just wandered out … Read more

Lodge Update. Our Maunga. February 2021

Whakapapa Cafe Window Reflection

Recently, the lodge sub-committee held a special meeting to discuss the future of the lodge and to reaffirm the purpose and usefulness of this club facility. More details of our thinking will follow in a month or two. Now more than ever the importance of the lodge to the club is becoming evident with RAL … Read more

Faerie Queene – climbing a peak near Lewis Pass

Faerie Queen title

As many WTMC holiday weekend trips do, this trip started with the Interislander ferry to Picton and a drive to a DoC campsite. This time Kawatiri just beyond St Arnaud and handily situated right next to the both SH6 and SH63 (handy for access that is, less handy for sound sleeping). Queueing for the loo … Read more

Ōtaki Forks temporary walking access


Ōtaki Forks temporary walking access A guide to DOC’s Emergency Access Track that provides a walking track to Ōtaki Forks bypassing the slip at Blue Bluff that has closed the road, and notes that the road will be reopened sometime in 2025. Note: As of 21 December 2020 DOC has opened an Ōtaki Forks temporary … Read more

Taranaki West Side Story

Mt Taranaki West Side Story The stories of climbing trips to the seldom visited west side of Mt Taranaki and the final successful climb to the summit The unexpurgated version CHAPTER 1   Mr. Taranaki Maunga This latest collapse sent a massive avalanche of volcanic debris … CHAPTER 2   West Side Story – the recce mission … Read more

Finding dinosaurs and magic on the Leatham-Molesworth Circuit.

Resting on Severn Saddle, Leatham Conservation Area

Finding dinosaurs and magic on the Leatham-Molesworth Circuit The Leatham-Molesworth Circuit is a 5-day hiking loop trip through spectacular mountain scenery in the Leatham Conservation Area passing through the Leatham River, Severn River, and Saxton River ‘Dolphins’ shouted a crew member as we travelled through the Marlborough Sounds on the Interislander. I sprinted over to … Read more