Te Puia Tramp

Looking through past trip reports it seems the club has a tradition of organising Te Puia tramps over Queen’s birthday weekend. And it’s a great tradition; what’s better than soaking in hot pools on a winter tramp. So the 2021 tramp was organised to live up to the tradition and make the most of the … Read more

Te Puia Lodge: a beginners guide to leading tramps

The Te Puia Lodge is an Easy-ish tramp located in the Kaweka Ranges. It was my first tramp as a team leader, and it was a pain in the ass, literally, but I will get to that later on. This guide is structured as follows. Chapter 1 describes the first day and our long drive … Read more

Kaweka Ranges plan A, B, C, D then E

Friday We all met at the railway station and got going at around 5:30pm. We were not in a rush as we were not going to the road end tonight. We stopped in Masterton for dinner, then onto Hastings, sharing the driving and passing the time with chat and a few hours of what we … Read more


The last long weekend for a while meant quite a few people headed to the Kawkeas for three days of excellent tramping. The medium’s plan was to camp out all three nights, which meant lugging our tents up hill and down dale. No huts for us, even though there were a few on the route. … Read more