A four seasons Easter around Mount Ruapehu – Round the Mountain Track: Tongariro National Park

Summary:  Thursday 28 March:   Friday 28 March (Day 1): 19.36 km  Highlights: Walking times:  Saturday 29 March (Day 2) – 19.43km  Highlights: Walking times: Sunday 30 March (Day 3) – 22.72km  Highlights:  Walking times:  Monday 1 April (Day 4) – 29.86 kms   Highlights:  Walking times:

Round the Mountain Track – Tongariro National Park

Nine people signed up for the club’s New Year Round The Mountain – Ruapehu trip. The group featured a few people new to multi-day walks, a few new to the club, as well as some very experienced club members and trampers. The distance and demanding terrain mean that an excellent baseline fitness is a prerequisite, … Read more

Kaweka Kaimanawa Traverse

Are we on the right track? Our journey began with a traffic jam at Kaimanawa Road end. Being Labour Weekend, every man and his dog (literally – we were joined by a gorgeous kelpie) was out tramping. After a skillful 100 point turn, our shuttle driver deposited us at the beginning of the Umukarikari track. … Read more