The Chocolate Packhorse

After a dismal forecast predicted for the weekend, our trip was changed to plan B which avoided swims in the Eastern Hutt river that had been part of plan A. Saturday saw a 7am start for the drive to Otaki Forks. From here we walked up the Pukeatua track with Emily setting a good pace. … Read more

Where am I?? Haukura Nav Trip

Where am I?? Wandering aimlessly & exasperatedly for hours. Worries turn into desperation. Add thirst, fatigue and darkness into the equation – and you are in danger! Believe me. It’s not a nice feeling! Our Haukura Ridge Nav trip with Amanda was to practice some off track nav skills to avoid such situations. Knowing the … Read more

Cow Saddles and the Garden

Armed with maps, compasses and lollies, we headed into the hills from the carpark at Kiriwhakapapa (Ethnicity; lit. genealogical skin) with the trip leader, Amanda, to show us what’s what. After following the Old Tram Track up to the first saddle, we settled down to our first lesson in navigation. Instructions were laid down for … Read more

Kiriwhakapapa Nav

We made a 7:30 am Saturday departure from the Railway station, with a couple of guest punters, Gareth and Steve coming along to do the van driving and their own gourmet tramp. After passing through the Wairarapa towns without kebab or coffee stops, we were at the road end and ready to tramp at 9:15am. … Read more

Waitewaewae Nav

David’s plan for this EM nav trip was to investigate rumours of an alternative route into the YTYY hut. This route was purported to depart from the track somewhere in the vicinity of a large slip, which has already forced a short re-routing of the original track, and ascend towards the summit marked with a … Read more

Where the Bloody Hell Are You?

Navigation tips from Marie Henderson Aunty Rata (who knows I get lost more regularly than most) asked if I had any tips to share  on navigation. Although the newsletter is not the place to learn a practical skill like navigation and there are lots of great written resources already that people can read, here are … Read more