Roaring Stag Hut – Tararua Forest Park

Nei te mihi maioha ki ngā kaitiaki o Tararua maunga. Arā, ko Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, ko Muaūpoko, ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira, ko ngā iwi o taua wāhi katoa hoki. Tēnā koutou katoa. A warm thanks to the guardians of the Tararua range. Namely, Rangitāne o Tāmaki nui-ā-Rua, Ngāti Kahungunu … Read more

Dundas Loop – Tararua Forest Park

Four hardy souls decided to tackle the Dundas Loop over a weekend. The original plan had been to tramp from Putara carpark to Dundas Hut on the Saturday. But common sense prevailed. So Friday afternoon saw us making the two-hour drive from Wellington to the remote Putara carpark. After a brief stop in Greytown for … Read more

SK Main Range Traverse in sub-48 hours

I first heard about this challenge a year or so ago when I found out about the book full of all the previous trip reports, most recently updated and published by Tony and Megan from our club. The challenge itself started out with the simple rule that you need to work until closing time Friday, … Read more

A Gourmet Gallivant to Roaring Stag Hut

Our group left Wellington first thing on Saturday morning and encountered a great snow scene driving over the Rimutakas. Luckily the weather was feeling friendly and we soon left the snow behind – a beautiful weekend was ahead. A stop at the Clareville Bakery, just north of Carterton, was a given for pre-tramp calories and … Read more

Flora and Fauna Trip

Have you ever been tramping with a leader who carries a textbook and binoculars in their pack? Illona Keenan is one such leader. She led Andrei, Caryl, Claire, David, Erika, Kerry, Mark and Rachel up the Mangatainoka River and over a ridge into the Ruamahanga on an overnight fauna and flora extravaganza to Roaring Stag … Read more

Haukura Ridge navigation

On a Friday night in May 2006, a band of hardy WTMC M trampers ventured into Northern Tararuas. Three days later they emerged – scratched and broken by leatherwood, attempts at compass navigation in the dark and arguments about oversized watches. Their Haukura Ridge trip was to gain enduring life as a case study in our … Read more

Where am I?? Haukura Nav Trip

Where am I?? Wandering aimlessly & exasperatedly for hours. Worries turn into desperation. Add thirst, fatigue and darkness into the equation – and you are in danger! Believe me. It’s not a nice feeling! Our Haukura Ridge Nav trip with Amanda was to practice some off track nav skills to avoid such situations. Knowing the … Read more

Dundas, deer and dialogue

See photos from Kevin Cole It was the kind of hot Friday night that cricket commentators call balmy or sultry when our party of five departed on a two day Medium/Fit Dundas tramp.  Our first goal was to get from the road end to Herepai Hut in total darkness. The modern marvel that is the LED light … Read more

Hot dates and roaring stags

I woke up to my alarm at the ungodly hour of 6:00AM on a Saturday.  This only reminds me of my time as a struggling student, having to wake up for the early morning shift at Moore Wilsons.  Nevertheless I put on my tramping gear and threw my pack over and ventured into the early … Read more

Four Seasons in the Tararuas

As I passed Wellington airport with the orange needle horizontal on Cobham Drive, and the radio informing me that wind gusts of up to 140km/h were being recorded, I was beginning to wonder why I was heading into the hills. The horizontal hailstorms announced that summer had ended and autumn had begun. Buses were crashing … Read more