Ruapehu Rumblings – May 2016

We’re getting excited about the 2016 Whakapapa snow season.  The Ruapehu crew have secured a licence renewal with DOC, and so a flood of money is set to hit the Whakapapa facilities.  This means a new quad express lift to replace the Centennial Chair this year, and a quad chairlift to replace the Waterfall T-bar in 2017.  Good … Read more

Nick Jennings – Life Member

Nick Jennings’ tramping CV is impressive. The list of roles he’s performed for WTMC, Federated Mountain Clubs, Mountain Safety Council, DOC and its predecessors, and LandSAR, is extensive. Mike Gilbert spent an afternoon talking with Nick about the times and places behind the statistics. How long ago did you start tramping? I started in the … Read more

Pete Goodwin – Life Member

I mentioned to Pete one weekend at Ruapehu Lodge that I was doing some Life Member interviews and he promptly said ‘Right we’d better bloody get on with it then’. So he regaled me with decades of club adventures over coffee surrounded by kids playing and with stunning views of Taranaki out the window. When … Read more

WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – March 2015

We recently had a sub committee meeting to discuss the lodge accommodation and food rates. The good news is that we decided to keep the rates the same as last season as we have been experiencing a low inflation and CPI rate. Setting the rates is always difficult but we lately have based it on the cost … Read more