Over a Cuppa – March 2015

Easter is just around the corner and I know some of you will be embarking on adventures.  It would be wonderful if you could share them with us one Wednesday night (hint hint!)  as there are some gaps in May just waiting for you to take them!  In the meantime we have: April 1st – this will be … Read more

Haukura Ridge navigation

On a Friday night in May 2006, a band of hardy WTMC M trampers ventured into Northern Tararuas. Three days later they emerged – scratched and broken by leatherwood, attempts at compass navigation in the dark and arguments about oversized watches. Their Haukura Ridge trip was to gain enduring life as a case study in our … Read more

Fenella Hut on Anniversary Weekend

Friday night, waiting for the Ferry to load, there was a palpable sense of excitement for the upcoming adventure in the Kahurangi National Park. Would we see the reclusive South Island Kokako? Could Mike survive the trip with only six cans of V? And what exactly was going on in the back of the van … Read more

If we can’t climb to Kime, why not YTYY

With rumours of Cyclone Pam encircling us, our determined band of ten trampers headed in to Otaki Forks, hopeful of some time on the tops. On arrival, our erstwhile leader Anna had to make a decision and with some reluctance, relinquished hopes of glory and great views in the face of uncertain weather and the … Read more

Too Cloudy Peak

This trip appeared on the schedule and immediately got my interest, partly because as chief guide I didn’t put it there and partly because I hadn’t heard of the place. Mike explained that cloudy peak (well actually not all of this, consider it a narrative thing) is a rock climbers paradise in the middle of the … Read more

Tussock bagging down south

For more photos and the entirety of Sharron’s nearly 4000 word expression of love for Tussock can be found on her blog. Years of tramping, camping and running have given me a deep appreciation for tussocks. Given this minor tussock obsession coupled with my fondness for hills it’s perhaps not surprising that one of my … Read more

Mount Titi

This walk is in the Akatarawa Forest, and starts and finishes at Maungakotukutuku Road near Paekakariki. It’s no problem finding the turn-off for Maungakotukutuku Road, just look for the two metre long road sign requiring two posts. The Road took us well up the hill, cutting down the amount of climbing we had to do … Read more

Lodge Social – Whakapapa Village to Mangahuia Campsite

After heavy overnight thunderstorms at the Lodge, this route was predicted to be a wet one underfoot. The initial section from the top end of Whakapapa Village (09:40 hrs) South West to the Whakapapaiti track junction (11:25hrs) contoured around the lower slopes for Mt Ruapehu. Undulating, but a good track through the big gulleys (The … Read more

Lodge Social – Tupapakurua Falls Day Walk

This was a day trip as part of a lodge weekend over 6-8 March 2015. About 20 minutes from the Lodge, we crossed the railway line near the station in National Park village on to Fishers Road. The gravel road took us to a small car park at the start of the track. The local community … Read more

March 2015 Bushcraft

The Bushcraft course was a great opportunity to gain or refresh tramping skills and find out about how the club trips operate. The group was a mixture of people wanting to get into tramping for the first time, others wanting to get back into it after time away, and some who have tramping experience – … Read more