Newsletter changes update

In May this year the club made some changes to the way the newsletter blog was distributed to members. Essentially this involved discontinuing the paper copy, and sending an email notification to all members whenever there was a significant posting to the newsletter. The reasons for these changes were fairly simple: the time involved in … Read more

Tararua calendar 2016

For those of you who think the Tararuas are a nice place to go tramping you may be interested in a 2016 Calendar that will continually remind you just how nice they really are and that you must go back there on a club trip sometime very soon. Those who dislike the Tararuas can still buy a calendar – and … Read more

Not the Tararuas

The Tararuas are the measure of all trips by Wellington trampers. And Tararua trips are usually wet and often cold, and therefore mostly uncomfortable. But there are other places to go where it is invariably hot and dry and therefore not really uncomfortable at all. For example there is no mud on this access track. … Read more

First aid doesn’t happen by accident

The club recently ran a very successful two-day first aid course with a special emphasis for trampers. Sixteen club members have now updated their first aid to First Aid Level 2 under the enthusiastic instruction of Margaret from St John. They revised their CPR skills, stemmed serious bleeding, tended to fractures and wasp stings and burns, warmed hypothermic … Read more

WTMC whio protection

It is depressing to all those that love the outdoors that so many of NZ’s native birds are either recently extinct, or are now classified as nationally critical or nationally endangered. Kea that were once common in large flocks are now rarely seen on tramping trips in the South Island mountains, falcons and rock wrens … Read more

Some changes to the newsletter

Megan Sety has moved on from the role of newsletter editor and left me (Tony Gazley) to try and maintain the blog to the standards she set. Well that’s going to be difficult. So to make it a bit easier I’m proposing a couple of changes. Instead of emailing a manually produced monthly notification to newsletter subscribers … Read more

Chamberlain Creek v3a3VI**

Leaping into Chamberlain Creek, Tararua Range

Chamberlain Creek v3a3VI** A long day down the canyon of Chamberlain Creek, Tararua Range involving jumps, abseils, and swims. I saw the trip on the planning schedule and asked David about it—being generally curious about any Tararua epic close to the wilder side of things. This revealed it was a trip David was really keen … Read more

Missing tramper found by tree

Missing tramper found by tree A tramper reported missing in the Tararua Range was fortunately found by a tree. It has been reported that the search for a missing tramper has ended happily. Police were called by the mother of a middle-aged man overdue on a weekend walk in the Tararua Forest Park when he … Read more