A note from Cambridge

Date: 25 April 2016 To: Subject: nothing much just saying hello and thanks Dr Michael Ellims sent a message using the contact form at https://www.wtmc.org.nz/contact. Hi,For some reason I bumped into the newsletter page while conducting a search on mountaineering and brick walls and was VERY pleasantly surprised. I originally hail from Wainuiomata and … Read more


Canyoning has become more popular in NZ recently and a small group of WTMC club members are joining in the fun. Below is a selection of photos taken on trips to the Patuna Chasm (easy), Turere Stream (not quite so easy), and Chamberlain Creek and the Eager Beaver Canyon (both definitely not quite so easy). … Read more

WTMC AGM 13 April 2016

The most exciting reading all year has just arrived to your inbox – the Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club 2016 Annual Report!   Read more about our record membership numbers, our trapping work to protect the whio, and peruse some of our favourite member photos.    2016 AGM If you have any questions or suggestions, come along … Read more

Reminder for WTMC photo competition

The final date for entries to be submitted to the organiser is 24 February 2016 so you are now running short of  time to collect your best photos from the last 12 months and sent them electronically to the newsletter editor, or give a USB or CD copy to any club committee member on Wednesday club nights. The … Read more

5-bar Tararua tramping

Chamberlain Creek in the Tararua Range

5-bar Tararua tramping A light-hearted ranking of tramping trips in the Tararua Range based on internet reception. Some people, particularly trampers, rejoice when heading into our wilderness while others have a fearful attitude towards these areas that they believe should be completely avoided—for they are places that they consider are hideous, desolate and uncomfortable—where people … Read more

2016 Club Photo Competition

This year the club’s annual photo competition will be on Wednesday 16 March. So now is the time to collect your best photos from the last 12 months and sent them electronically to the newsletter editor, or give a USB or CD copy to any club committee member on Wednesday club nights. Because the two winning photos … Read more

Schormann – Kaitoke new record! First woman to run under 24 hours.

The Schormann to Kaitoke (S-K) traverse of the Tararuas has been on the hit list of many trampers since the early 1960s when it was first suggested that it may be possible to do the trip in a weekend. This was finally achieved in October 1963, and was  then followed by many more in subsequent years. Later … Read more