Restorative Retreat Weekend at Gosling Hut – Leatham Conservation Area

Snowing at Gosling Hut, Leatham Conservation Area

Restorative Retreat Weekend at Gosling Hut – Leatham Conservation Area Restorative Retreat Weekend at Gosling Hut – Leatham Conservation Area A 3 day hike to climb Bounds in the Leatham Conservation Area that ended as a lazy time in Gosling Hut due to bad weather. Thursday afternoon at 4:00 pm we careened out of Platform 9 … Read more

Totara Flats Hut

Totara Creek Hut

The Totara Flats tramping crew was a mixture of more experienced trampers and complete newbies (myself included!). The tramp was graded an easy-medium trip, with around 4-5 hours walking to our destination of Totara Flats hut. After a very early and groggy start to Saturday morning for some of us, we met at Wellington Train … Read more

Pouakai Circuit

The classic shot of Mount Taranaki (near sunset)

This was my second time on the Pouakai Circuit. The last time I went, just over a year ago, the track was underwater and there was no mountain to be seen – the pictures in that trip report  say it all. While I absolutely enjoyed that trip, I was hoping for much better weather. This … Read more

Mt Uwerau yes, Mt Manakau no (again)

Descending Mt Uwerau

In June 2018 we attempted to climb Mt Manakau, the highest peak in the Seaward Kaikouras. We turned around at ~1500m on the Surveyor Spur as the snow conditions were slowing us down considerably and the weather was showing no signs of improving. After the weather conditions for the Southern Alps were forecast to be … Read more

A day or two in the Garvies

Garvie Mountains

Fly to Invercargill, drive to Piano Flat and camp in the rain. Wake the next morning to a brilliant starry sky and no wind. Drop down through the snow grass to Titan Hut. This private renovated musterers’ hut is cool – one of the few tramping huts that has carpet. Next morning decide not to … Read more

Totara Flats via Waiohine Campsite…in the rain

I was keen for an overnight tramp despite the horrendous Tararua weather forecast. We’d decided that given the forecast for heavy rain and gales, our best bet was a trip in the valley that avoided any major stream or river crossings. We’d settled on Totara Flats as neither Kate or Emily had done the walk … Read more

Mud and sun at Te Matawai

Tararua Ranges

On Saturday we set off in the van from the railway station just after 6am. We arrived at the Poads Road end carpark south east of Levin at about 8am and were greeted by a local, very friendly chicken, and made to feel welcome. Most of us had the pleasure of sampling the especially ripe … Read more

Turere Stream Waterfall

Turere Stream Waterfall

One day a long time ago (at least last week) a ragtag group of five rejects from a much larger group that had hoped to climb Tongariro mountain decided instead to spend a day in a bold attempt to find the mythical Turere Stream waterfall. These intrepid travellers didn’t leave much of a record of … Read more

Swift Water Session – Practical Skills for Swift Water

A person signals for release from the strainer

Water is one of the biggest tramping hazards in New Zealand. Too many anxious moments in moving water have given me an appreciation of how treacherous moving water really is. Seemingly little mistakes can have big consequences and there is no opportunity to back off or change your mind when you are caught in the … Read more

See-the-Saw Soaring into the Sky

Looking down on the full length of the Sawtooth from Tiraha

Let’s start by listing the things this trip did not have: injuries, complaints, Turkish food. That’s about it. Ok, let’s look at what it did have; everything else! Our carefully laid plans to get over the hill and enjoy a kebab in Carterton were scuppered after we found the long time WTMC favourite dinner-stop closed … Read more