Jacs Flat Bivvy Adventure

Two people set up at Jacs Flat Bivvy

Megan and Sam arrived at the train station to meet Simon on the Friday night, and the three of us were the only ones rattling around in the WTMC van. We stopped briefly for pizza & kebabs at Carterton, then drove to the Holdsworth road-end to arrive at about 7pm. We then hoofed up to … Read more

Angle Knob Hut Site

Matt had put a trip to visit the old Angle Knob hut site on the schedule which sounded interesting. He planned on getting to the site via Baldy and the Broken Axe Pinnacles which are both places I have never been to. The plan also included staying at McGregor biv which I had stopped off … Read more

Shingle Slip Knob Plane Wreck

When I saw that a tramp to the plane wreck at Shingle Slip Knob was planned I was keen and quickly signed up. On my first climb of Mt Holdsworth when I was 12 years old we spotted the wreck in the far distance. Something about the wreck captured my imagination and it had been … Read more

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk

Nearing Jumbo with the sun setting on Mt Holdsworth after we had traversed the Broken Axe Pinnacles.

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk in Tararua Forest Park A day walk along the Broken Axe Pinnacles in Tararua Forest Park via Pinnacle Ridge, Baldy, Jumbo, and Mt Holdsworth. We arrived at the Holdsworth carpark at 8 am just in time to see the full moon setting below the western hills. Twelve hours later … Read more