Mt McKerrow – Remutaka Forest Park

This was an easy day tramp to Mt McKerrow. The weather was chilly when we left the Catchpool carpark, but after a few minutes we had warmed up enough for most people to remove some layers. The first 20 minutes or so along the Five Mile Loop track is pretty flat, but the track up … Read more

Ten Man Hut and Kaikawaka Villa – Tongariro Forest

Monique kindly offered to be the designated driver for the club’s Tongariro Alpine Crossing by Moonlight weekend – foregoing the Crossing to drop off and collect the groups of trampers throughout the weekend. However there was still sufficient time between shuttling for her to explore the area… Ten Man HutThis hut, located in the Tongariro … Read more

Mitre Flats and Mitre Flats Hut – and floating the Waingawa River

Floating down the Waingawa River from Mitre Flats to the road

Mitre Flats and Mitre Flats Hut – and floating the Waingawa River On a fine warm day it’s so much more fun just floating down the river than walking down the track to get from Mitre Flats to the road. What better way to spend a fine weather Sunday than an easy WTMC day walk … Read more

Akatarawa Forest – the Secret Seven and the quest to find 73

Akatarawa Forest

Akatarawa Forest – the Secret Seven and the quest to find 73 A fun day walk in the Akatarawa Forest to find the checkpoint No 73 from a previous rogaine orienteering event Way back in 2010 Tony and Jackie entered the Akatarawa 24 hour rogaine with the idea of being totally non-competitive and just cruise … Read more