Mt Princess – an Alp1 climb of a pretty little peak with a bath

View from the summit of Mt Princess, Waiau Valley below

Mt Princess – an Alp1 climb of a pretty little peak with a bath A pleasant climb of a pretty peak named Mt Princess with its own Princess Bath in the St James Conservation Area If you belong to a mountaineering club then maybe every now and then you think about actually climbing to the summit … Read more

Taking a Princess Bath: Transformation of the Sarahsaurus into a Princess 🛀

Looking down into the Waiau Valley from Mt Princess

Mt Princess – a climb to the Princess Bath 🛀 Taking a Princess Bath Soft snow on the way to the Princess Bath Transformation of the Sarahsaurus into a princess. Tony told me he knew of a mountain that could transform a rebel Sarahsaurus dinosaur into a princess and all she had to do was … Read more

Dodging lazy trees on Waiau Pass

Summary Day 1: Boyle Village – Magdalen Hut Day 2: To Waiau Hut via Boyle Flat, Rokeby, Anne and Lake Guyon Huts (side trip) Day 3: To Blue Lake Hut Day 4: To Upper Travers Hut via West Sabine Hut Day 5: To Cupola Hut Day 6: To Coldwater Hut via John Tait & Hopeless … Read more

St James Walkway

After leaving Wellington on Thursday afternoon and staying the night in a Picton Backpacker, all of us were itching to get on the road. Friday morning was an early start for us as we repacked our packs and threw them into the van, keen to get moving. After what felt like an impossibly long drive … Read more