Travers-Sabine Circuit and Blue Lake – Nelson Lakes National Park

Fri 3 Jan – Ferry and camping at West Bay (Jetty Campsite) It was with anticipation that the four of us met at Wellington train station at 11.15 am. I’d been waiting to get a 5-day window for a while to attempt this tramp and duly put it on the trip schedule. We were to … Read more

Thunderstorms and dehy meals: Travers-Sabine Easter adventures

We started our long weekend adventure on Thursday afternoon, catching the Interislander to Picton. Thankfully, the recent technical issues plaguing both the Interislander and Bluebridge ferries (and recent cyclones!) were not an issue, and it was a perfectly smooth sailing. We drove to St Arnaud and pitched our tents at the DOC campground at Kerr Bay ($20). Great … Read more

Dodging lazy trees on Waiau Pass

Summary Day 1: Boyle Village – Magdalen Hut Day 2: To Waiau Hut via Boyle Flat, Rokeby, Anne and Lake Guyon Huts (side trip) Day 3: To Blue Lake Hut Day 4: To Upper Travers Hut via West Sabine Hut Day 5: To Cupola Hut Day 6: To Coldwater Hut via John Tait & Hopeless … Read more

Moss Pass via Blue Lake

The following is a recollection of the trip from two perspectives – Lynsey and Tiffany. With two vans from WTMC heading down for the long weekend, the ferry ride was a social affair, especially with a group of TTC folks also heading down for an attempt of Mt Manakau. We shared a van with James’ … Read more

Blue Lake

The trip started with the ferry crew handing out free boxes of chips to everyone on board – their way of compensation for the 2-hour delay to our departure. I bought some fish to go with my chips and the crew gave me even more free chips. Feeling fully carb-loaded, we set off for Lake Rotoroa and … Read more

Moss Pass

Like the best laid plans of mice and men going astray, the bad weather predicted for Nelson Lakes National Park meant that our proposed Mole Tops tenting trip had to be altered.  The new trip would be the Moss Pass route going via Sabine and over into the D’Urville. Day One – Sabine Hut to Blue … Read more

Mt McKay, Nelson Lakes National Park

I’m not unaccustomed to being cold. I once was a student in Christchurch living in a flat seemingly designed by Fisher & Paykel. I would have to frequently de-ice the inside of my bedroom window in the winter time and my flatmates and I would sit on the couch in the evenings in sleeping bags; … Read more

Easy as – the Travers-Sabine loop!

The trouble with a working world is that we never seem to have enough time to complete the trip that one wants. This year was different and Anzac day fell on a Wednesday so with just two days leave we could manage a full five day trip. Plenty of time, none of this let’s run … Read more

Christmas Tramp: Lewis Pass to Nelson Lakes

New Years Day 2010 a bunch of keen yet slightly crazy trampers jump onto the interislander on a 9 day excursion taking them deep into the heart of the Southern Alps going from Lewis Pass up to Nelson Lakes. The initial plan is to head over three alpine passes Three tarns pass, Thomson Saddle and … Read more