The Winter’s Tale – a snowy wander in Nelson Lakes National Park ❄

Nelson Lakes winter tramping featured image

The Winter’s Tale – a snowy wander in Nelson Lakes National Park An 8 day hiking loop trip through spectacular mountain scenery in Nelson Lakes National Park visiting Cupola Hut, and Angelus Hut via the Cascade Route up Hukere Stream. Once upon a time two WTMC trampers, Sarah and Batt, set out on an adventure … Read more

Hopelessly Cupola – Nelson Lakes National Park

An epic weekend spent picking off a few huts in the Travers valley in Nelson Lakes National Park. The trip began with us all meeting at Wellington Train Station to catch a 3.45pm sailing to the South Island. With Daniel and Mon in the group, we spent a lot of time talking about club policies! … Read more

Thunderstorms and dehy meals: Travers-Sabine Easter adventures

We started our long weekend adventure on Thursday afternoon, catching the Interislander to Picton. Thankfully, the recent technical issues plaguing both the Interislander and Bluebridge ferries (and recent cyclones!) were not an issue, and it was a perfectly smooth sailing. We drove to St Arnaud and pitched our tents at the DOC campground at Kerr Bay ($20). Great … Read more

Holy Cupola!

On the summit of Mt Cupola, Nelson Lakes National Park, on a beautiful day

Holy Cupola! A snowcraft graduates ascent of Mt Cupola in Nelson Lakes National Park Spring was marching on, the snow was melting, and enthusiasm for alpine trips appeared to be on the wane. I felt like I hadn’t squeezed enough out of my snowcraft experience yet, so when Tony G offered Angelus trip-goers another bite … Read more

Kehu Travers summer rock routes

To the South Island with racks and ropes and heavy packs.  We started out early on Thursday with a water taxi across Lake Rotoiti to Coldwater hut, weather calm and sunny, couldn’t ask for more for the 8-9 hour trudge up the Travers valley. Lunched at John Tait in fairly good time and continued up … Read more