Renata Ridge

There’s nothing like gale forecasts of 100 km/hr to lend the run-up to the weekend a slight nervous edge. But spirits were high in the minibus so I could only assume either the others hadn’t seen the forecast or that I was the mad one: that heading up to a ridge with that forecast was … Read more

Waitewaewae Hut

The tramp to Waitewaewae Hut on the Saturday took us approximately 8 ½ hours, and 6 ½ on the Sunday. We believe we walked about 15kms each way, and may have got to over 600 meters above sea level. The route We started from Otaki Forks at the swing bridge by the picnic area. We … Read more

Mountain biking in the Tararuas

 DOC was recently approached by a group of community representatives, who are keen to see mountain biking options in the Tararua Forest Park. There are currently very limited opportunities for recreational mountain bikers to enjoy the Tararuas, unlike most other DOC managed areas throughout the country. DOC has proposed to allow mountain bikers access to … Read more

Cow Creek

Mike: It’s Saturday night, before 8pm. I’m hunched below a top bunk of Cow Creek Hut, feeling very well fed and trying to scribble these notes by torchlight.  Debbie and Eleonora are already trying to go to sleep. Debbie’s had the wood-burner going, and it’s toasty enough for me to have switched to a downstairs … Read more

Tararua calendar 2016

For those of you who think the Tararuas are a nice place to go tramping you may be interested in a 2016 Calendar that will continually remind you just how nice they really are and that you must go back there on a club trip sometime very soon. Those who dislike the Tararuas can still buy a calendar – and … Read more

Dundas Hut

Given that our Medium Fit minibus companions were embarking on a trip entitled ‘Dundas: the Hard Way’, one could be forgiven for thinking that there is an ‘Easy Way’ to reach Dundas Hut. This would be a mistake. Dundas is a wonderful, challenging, rewarding trip… but easy it was not. We set off from Putara … Read more

Blue Range Hut

The plan was to spend the weekend in the Ruahines but given the adverse weather conditions we reconsidered it and opted for a closer tramp to the Tararuas. Yes, the Tararuas are not known for their best weather conditions during winter, especially when it is raining, but since shoes and gear were already packed, we … Read more

Burn Hut

Saturday 9 May 2015 Departed Wellington 08:00 am Mangahao Lower No2 Dam 10:25am Burn Hut 2:25pm (6km, 300m to 800m) Near vertical hill. Grabbing tree roots and toeholds in the muddy earth. Right leg starts crammping during climb. Raining as we hit the ridge  tramping out of the forest. Three of us Claire leads with … Read more

Cow Creek Hut, Tararuas

Originally this trip was going to Howlett’s Hut in the Ruahines, but looking at the weather outside on Friday and the forecast ahead, Kevin and the trip leader of the tandem EM group (Garth) made the right decision to postpone and relocate to the Tararuas. After having a pie stop en route (unusual on the … Read more