Whanganui River Journey – with 2 Awa (River) navigators from Unique Whanganui River Adventures

Friday 17 March We left Wellington at 3.45pm in the club van and arrived at Ōhākune Top 10 Holiday Park at around 9pm. Day 1 (Ōhākune and Raetihi) Our plan was to enter the river at Ōhinepane, but Unique Whanganui (UW) said the river was too high and swift for us to start that day. … Read more

Ups and downs to Arete Forks Hut – Tararua Forest Park

After months of amping each other up about Carkeek Hut, the time was finally here. Carkeek or bust! In my bundle of excitement I composed a spotify playlist to capture the vital essence of Carkeek and to keep the momentum up. However, as the week wore on, I watched in horror as the weather radars … Read more

Thunderstorms and dehy meals: Travers-Sabine Easter adventures

We started our long weekend adventure on Thursday afternoon, catching the Interislander to Picton. Thankfully, the recent technical issues plaguing both the Interislander and Bluebridge ferries (and recent cyclones!) were not an issue, and it was a perfectly smooth sailing. We drove to St Arnaud and pitched our tents at the DOC campground at Kerr Bay ($20). Great … Read more

Dodging lazy trees on Waiau Pass

Summary Day 1: Boyle Village – Magdalen Hut Day 2: To Waiau Hut via Boyle Flat, Rokeby, Anne and Lake Guyon Huts (side trip) Day 3: To Blue Lake Hut Day 4: To Upper Travers Hut via West Sabine Hut Day 5: To Cupola Hut Day 6: To Coldwater Hut via John Tait & Hopeless … Read more

Around the Mountain Circuit – Egmont National Park

Timings Dawson falls to Waiaua Gorge Hut: 3 hours 50 minutes Waiaua Gorge Hut to Kahui Hut: 3 hours 15 minutes Kahui Hut to Holly Hut: 3 hours 40 minutes Holly Hut to Dawson Falls: 5 hours Day one We spent Friday night at Konini Lodge, by Dawson Falls. MetService had been warning of “severe … Read more

South Saddle via Goat Stream – Remutaka Forest Park

Six of us left the Catchpool carpark just after 9 am in slightly cool conditions. We were soon in the Orongorongo Valley and headed upstream to Goat Stream. At Goat Stream Hut we had morning tea. We didn’t see the person staying at Goat Stream Hut, but the door was unlocked and there were signs of habitation in … Read more

The Fight for Survival: Volunteering with the Takahē Recovery Programme

April 2023 Ka tū te moho, kia ora ake anō. The takahē stands, in order to live again. Suddenly a royal blue head pops up in front of me while I’m walking along checking a trapline. I stop and stand still, so I don’t startle the pair of noisy takahē that have just wandered out … Read more

D’Urville Valley – Nelson Lakes National Park

Day 1: D’Urville Hut to George Lyon Hut – Weather: Sunny, no wind, 16 degrees CDOC travel time: 8 hrs/ Group travel time: 9.45 hrs /Pace: Slow – medium After arriving at Lake Rotoroa campsite at about 10pm Thursday night, we slept fitfully amid the roar of stags from the local deer farm. Prior to … Read more

Pouakai Circuit – Egmont National Park

As is the tradition, we met at Wellington train station at 5pm, for a 5.15pm departure to Egmont National Park. We arrived at the Camphouse, our accommodation for the night, which is situated close to the Egmont National Park Visitor Centre (North Egmont)/ DOC office, at around 10.30pm. The Camphouse is located right beside the … Read more

Tongariro Northern Circuit – Tongariro National Park

Not a great walk, but an epic one! You know you are up for an incredible weekend when you have a smooth drive out from Wellington, enjoy a primo kebab a la Bulls (OMG those chips and Iskenders), and instantly connect with a bunch of awesome people from the get-go! This weekend was no exception. … Read more