Tutuwai Hut via Mount Reeves

Tuesday evening before the tramp. I was supposed to be leading a Medium trip to Kime on the coming weekend but unfortunately one signed up. Thankfully, Paul Jefferies was leading an overnight tramp to Tutuwai and as there was space I decided to join Paul’s trip. Friday 17.00. At this point on a weekend tramp … Read more

Aunty Rata Interview with Richard Young

If you regularly come along to Club nights or the after match debriefs at the Welshie then Richard Young probably needs no introduction – he’s the tall, skinny enthusiastic guy who is into photography. Richard is a sparky by trade and this is a good description of his personality as well. Practical, enthusiastic , diligent … Read more

Social Corner – October 2010

As you all know we had the long awaited function of the year st on 21 August. Yes you guessed it…..The Winter Ball. To those who came, well done you! And to those who decided not to, you missed out on a Fantastic night of great food, a great band, a great venue and fantastic … Read more

From the Green Crocs – October 2010

I don’t need to tell you that we’ve had a very wet winter, so well done to those of you who have been getting out in the hills. We finally seem to be getting a few warmer days, so hopefully summer is not too far away. Many of you will know that I am recovering … Read more

Family trip to Matiu Somes Island

Having lived outside New Zealand for a while, I can say that weather forecasting is quite a bit more hit and miss here than, say, Australia or Europe. Something to do with being a small island in a large ocean, I’ll bet. But when the Metservice decided to add a 10 day forecast to their … Read more

Track Talk – September 2009

At the end of July I spent four days tramping in Lewis Pass with a friend who relocated to Christchurch a couple of years ago. Previously a member of the WTMC, Laurayne was telling me how things are done by clubs down there. They don’t do communal dinners – instead everyone brings along their own … Read more

From the Green Crocs – September 2010

The spring trip schedule will reach you with this newsletter, there are some really great trips on offer, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the great NZ outdoors with WT&MC. Thanks to all the people who have volunteered to lead trips, especially those who are leading trips for the first … Read more