Minivan Familiarisation Session

WTMC is regularly on the look-out for more club members to help with driving duties for the trips it runs each weekend. To this effect ALL club members are invited to express their interest in attending a club minivan familiarisation session. The session will be led by Steve “P Endorsement” Austin on a weekend morning … Read more

From the Green Crocs – March 2010

If the last week is anything to go by, summer is still clinging on, and it is great to see lots of people out enjoying the good weather. With Easter being fairly early this year, I expect that many of you will be planning some great multi-day trips, and the club has a fantastic selection … Read more

Topographical Turpitude – February 2010

Day Walk leaders required for all the keen walkers from the new members night to the end of March Kilometres please text Gareth or me the speedo reading for each trip, thanks drivers. Please return the gear clean and dry. Important Dates Monday 8th March 6.30-8.30pm Trip Planning Meeting at Clubrooms Bushcraft 12-14 March … Read more

Care of Tents/Flies

From Marie Henderson – Gear Custodian These are useful, and sometimes critical, shelters. Like all gear they can take a bit of a battering. They do better when used the right way and shown some respect. So it seemed a good topic to review. A double skin tent is one like the club alpine tents … Read more

Purity Hut

I’d softened. After basking in the Australian sun for the last two years and next to no opportunity to climb hills, I was a tad anxious about my ability to cope with a fashion statement involving boots, let alone for a whole weekend. As part of my easing back into the back-country life, I had … Read more

A trip to the Gardens

Whenever I sign up for a trip like this it is because I have absolutely no idea what the trip is apart from there will be some glaciers and ice plateaus and so “yes please” pops out well before my rational side can pipe in with “Hmmm well that must also mean crossing some potentially … Read more

50 Metres Visibility on the Tararua Main Range

Wellington Anniversary Weekend meant an opportunity to have a slightly longer trip in the Tararuas than the usual weekend, and we used it to visit the middle part of the main range, beginning from Otaki Forks and ending at Poads Road near Levin. The forecast leading up to the weekend was uninspiring, suggesting several large … Read more

Mt Rolleston – Arthur’s Pass NP

Holy shit! I am so knackered. I am lying on one of the top bunks of a small mountain hut in Arthur’s Pass national park. It is cramped. There are barely nine inches between my nose and the slope of the ceiling. It doesn’t matter, though, because I am too tired to sit up. I … Read more

Social Corner – February 2010

For those who are just wandering back after a long festive break…. Welcome back! Were you at club on the 3rd of Feb, for Dave’s talk on his times in Antarctica? Amazing photos and entertaining commentary…. Thanks Dave! Here are a few of the up coming events to put in your diary. 17.02.10 New Members Night. 24.02.10 … Read more