Matariki weekend trip to Kawekas

Our delightful bunch of 8 bubbly people departed from Platform 9 on Thursday night and made our way to the Makahu road end carpark. A stop was made to scoff burgers in Sanson. All this seemed promising until our headlights beamed on 4 other cars at the road end and realised we’ll have to set … Read more

The Triangle Trio – Triangle hut via Rangiwahia

We started walking about 8.30pm, easily finding the path in the dark aside from one accidental diversion (missing the hairpin turn in the track). At 10pm we arrived at Rangiwahia hut to our dream scenario of many spare bunks and a blazing fire. (Note: DoC’s new booking system is finally open and you now need … Read more

2022 Best of the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival National Tour coming to Wellington

Mountaineer climbing on snow

The best of the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival National Tour is once again coming back to Wellington with a double feature! We’ll be screening the best of the festival for both NZ made and international films. The festival started in 2002 and is internationally recognised as one of the world’s premier mountain film festival … Read more

Mānawatia a Matariki! Manuoha – Sandy Bay Circuit

We had an awesome trip away to Te Urewera over Matariki weekend. It was a perfect way to celebrate our new public holiday and opportunity to do what Matariki is all about, reflecting on the past, celebrating the present and looking to the future. Heading away to a very remote and untrodden part of the … Read more

White lights and bright snow: Old Man Hut Circuit

Friday night, the ferry arrived early in Picton, which we quickly found out doesn’t show movies on long weekend evenings (due to lack of demand!). Next morning, the E-M group we were sharing the van with kindly agreed to being on the road by 7.30am. Nearing the Richmond Ranges, we saw the rewards of the … Read more

Easter Marlborough Sounds Trip

Returning to camp

Picton to Bluemine Island, Camping at Ratimera Bay two nights. We got the ferry to Picton and arrived Friday around midday. We then had plenty of time to settle into the hostel (with Mandarin tree!), visit the Marlborough Sounds adventure company for a briefing (and meet the very good boys Fred and Peanut), stock up … Read more

President’s Column – July 2022

The Club continues to do well and I’ve continued with meeting my target of participating in at least one Club trip per month.  Monique led a group of us to the Kaweka Forest Park over the Matariki weekend where we enjoyed some great tramping country, lovely bush, beautiful streams, excellent views of snow clad mountains … Read more

U Pass

U Pass Fiordland National Park

U Pass Fiordland National Park A 2 day hiking loop trip through the unusually shaped U Pass between Mistake Creek and Hut Creek in Fordland. While licking ice creams at the Manupouri Café after our successful ascent of Mount Titiroa, Pete suggested we make the most of the next two day weather window by going … Read more